I've seen videos and read stories of breeders who claim to have made ​​artificial inseminations Islands. The truth is that all these stories and videos that I mean not show a thoroughness that would make me believe that this is possible. To find out for sure, in the breeding season of 2012 I decided to conduct an experiment of this type and, in the event that took it, to have it documented in a serious and rigorous.

Before the start of the breeding season I soaked all information concerning artificial insemination in birds circulating online, and have seen people who practice artificial insemination larger birds.

These last people I talk to have never done this type of practice in small birds like finches, family to which belongs our canary.

After reviewing the information obtained prior to the experience we wanted to do, I conclude that there are three methods of extracting semen of males:

Method 1: I'll call by friction.
Method 2: I'll call by pressure.
Method 3: For imprint.

In this experience, I want to share with the rest of canaricultores, I used methods 1 and 2, and that to use method 3 training is required prior to the male specimens use as donors, training is done in other birds as hawks and know if it would be effective in song canary. The mark requires a very steady, since the bird in the nest until it becomes an adult, I can not work done by my personal life.

To try extracting semen samples and their testing, with the two methods I've practiced, I used the following material:









- A Model NIKON ECLIPSE E400 microscope, with three types of lens, the image shown. The final lens after focusing used to view the cells is 40x / 0.65 Infinity / 0.17 wd 0.57.



- Hematocrit tube is obtained in establishments that sell laboratory equipment, including pharmacies. One of the most popular utilities for those who do not belong to the world of medicine, is the tube that is used to collect the drops of blood when we prick on the finger to be tested for anemia before donating blood.

-A donor, in this case I used four male canary of Spanish Song Discontinuous born in 2011, 2010 and 2009.

The donor animal that I used, which from now we will identify as 4-2011, 56-2011, 15-2010 and 6-2009, were used in the natural breeding in 2012 and all fertilized females if any problems. I decided to use male that was certain they were fertilizing, for reliability, if I got a semen sample, knowing the risk it took to injure or provoke any infection if not properly practiced extraction.


On the Internet there are several videos that show how breeders say extract semen samples finches all use this method.

The male 4 was first used, at which a sample extracted using the by friction method, as shown in the video.


Como producen los sonidos los canarios


To transfer the sample to the sample holder of the microscope, I used ultrapure water (Milli-Q) by injecting water through the hematocrit tube end which is located opposite to the sample by dropping the sample in the sample holder.
In this first example, when viewed under a microscope, it is seen no trace of sperm, conversely, if cells are observed and dirt. After closer observation identified these as red blood cells. The appearance of red blood cells in the sample is a sign that the bird has been injured, although not observed with the naked eye and the bird does not show any symptoms. Therefore, I have obtained the sample comprises urine and feces with tiny blood residues.

The cutting end hematocrit tube has been causing the bird suffer microcuts in the cloaca, and hence the presence of red blood cells in the first sample. For the subsequent extraction of samples by this method have heated the hematocrit tube end to make it blunt and thereby soften edges and possible injuries to avoid future donors. Of course I waited for the cool tube and disinfected before use.

During the months of April, May and June 2012 have been 17 withdrawals by this method to the four donors, not including the first extraction. With all I have got the same result, after viewing under a microscope, all samples were feces and urine, no trace of sperm. Nor have I seen red cells.



This sampling method is used in cocks. Practice using documented and several farms in their labs to extract their semen breeding cocks.

As after 9 first downs with friction method, not getting positive results, I decided to try the second method.

This video shows how I made the extractions.


Como producen los sonidos los canarios


After the months of May and June have made ​​eight extractions with this practice. All samples obtained after observing them under a microscope and found to be feces and urine, had no trace of sperm.

Both samples collected by the method of friction as the pressure were obtained at different times of day, but no more than 18h.

Samples obtained by both methods:


By friction

By pressure















The reason I post this experience, is to show the work of many breeders, who, like me, have been bitten by the bug to try and find out for themselves the veracity of the information circulating on the Internet, and that various reasons have not decided to do this practice to make sure that it really works.

Breeders are probably dominate the practice of artificial insemination in canaries, they exist, should save some little secret, because it's not as easy as showing a video circulating on the Internet, which, in my point of view, no all rigor.

All donor specimens, to this day, are perfectly healthy and show no sequel. After drilling locations have fertilized females naturally without any problem.

Maybe for breeding next year, in 2013, new attempts to encourage me, focusing mainly on the pressure method, which is used in bird somewhat larger than the canaries, which is actually documented and proven reliability ...

Finally, I would like to thank Alfredo (biologist) and Jorge (veterinarian) for their advice on this experience, whenever I have asked.



Fabian Gerpe CN EI93
Lugo Society of Canariculture

YEAR 2012


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