- Levels of testosterone and development of the song central core. - Respiratory Fisioanatomía Serinus Canarius. - Relationship of the air sacs of the Serinus Canarius with pneumatic bones. - Assessment of the song as a performer. - Assessment of the musicality - complexity. - Assessment of the repertoire. SONG CENTRAL NUCLEI 2
As canaries produce sounds
-FUNTIONAL EXPLANATION: - HIERARCHY -TERRITORIAL -COUPLES ATTRACTION - OTHER EXPLANATIONS: The functional explanation does not justify the complexity and musicality of some melodious songs and production outside the breeding period. Spectrograms: are graphical representations of the sounds and are often used for scientific study. Printed markings consist of two coordinate axes.
The Roller Song tonal spectrum is lower among song canaries. Its base is in continuous rhythm tours hollow sound, reaching over 40 sounds emit per second in its variation queen, Hohnrollen. Also highlight the knorren with its spectacular double cavernous sound, the most serious of those is capable of emitting a canary. ![]()
The Malinois song develops in meduim frequencies and medium-high. Its base is aqueous loudness variations, hence its official name: Waterslager. Rhythmically is unfamiliar and equally highlights the three emission rates (continuous, semi-continuous and discontinuous), although its variation is Klokkende Waterlag star, clucking sound of water or hammered, which is discontinuous rate, not forgetting the spectacular Bollende Waterlag , bubbling water, semicontinuous and spectacular rhythm feeling perceiving sounds more than two at a time (caused by that particular sound of breaking air bubbles). ![]() Spanish Timbrado song frequency develops in medium-high and high. No specializes rhythmically and presents a balanced repertoire in the three emission rates loudness metallic highlighting.
![]() The Spanish Song Discontinuous shares the tonal spectrum with Ringing, hence there who would deny his personality as independent race and consider it as one more variety within the Ringing Spanish. However, specializes in discontinuous rate variations, having been removed from her repertoire of continuous rate turns. Although his repertoire should highlight metal loudness variations, also characterized, to a greater extent than the other races, by the emission of compounds that produce sounds in the listener the feeling of hearing two or more sounds at once, hence that is capable of combining in a single loudness variation different sounds (metal-hollow, hollow-aqueous, etc.).
THE SPANISH DISCONTINUOUS SONG CANARYINTRODUCTIONFoundations of a good singer ![]() Qualities of sound The duration is the time that remains sound, should be sufficient for us to identify and analyze the sound quality without being repetitive or excessive length. Qualities of music - Specialization in corners of noncontinuous rate, mainly of discontinuous rate issued four or fewer syllables per second), issued on medium-high tonal registers and predominantly moderately high and bright voice. - Development of discontinuous rate turns slow release.
- Development of turns compounds. - Development of nativism and singing canaries absence of adult education or any other artificial method. - Singing not stereotyped.
Voice The Spanish song canary singing batch must issue a medium-high tonal register and/or moderately high(acute) a spectrogram normally recorded frequency range between 1 and 7 kHz, records low or medium-low only permissible in specific and concrete sounds, its voice should be bright and sound. Diction Correct way to issue or “utter” sounds. By analogy with human language we say that the sounds issued by canaries are composed of consonants and vowels, although due to the complexity of many of the sounds they do they can not successfully transcribe onomatopedically with our limited phonetic system. Diction of our canaries should be clean and crisp, with a good balance between consonants and vowels phonemes, but with a predominance of vowels. Musicality/Complexity Understand the issue as musical rhythmic and melodic singing, evidenced by the ability ofthe sample to play with the issue rate, tones an intensity of sounds. Understand the capacity and complexity of the sample to vary the structure of the song, changing the order of issuance of drafts or omitting or inserting sounds on the fly, as well as the ability to make the same sound changes. Variety Although the present code puts the quality of the sounds issued by the canary before the quality, it will be rewarded the wealthy and variety of the number of turns which take part in the song as well as its capacity to issue several different songs in its song. Slow ornaments Example:
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Turns formed by simple of polysyllabic sounds of discontinuous rhythm and no watery tone, in which the specimen drags out the vowels or slows down. In a clearly beaten way the issue of turn rhythm in connection with the medium pare of issue of the rest of variations that take part in the song. Compound ornaments
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Polysyllabic turns in which take part /K/ phoneme and/or a watery sound. They will be also considered as compound ornaments those sounds in which it produces in the listener the acoustic feeling of being hearing more than one sound at the same time. Transition turns Example:
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Turns composed by simple and polysyllabic sounds, of usually semi constant rhythm and no watery voice, which are used as link or rest and enrich the song contributing musically with variety and contrast. Water turns
More examples:
Simple turns, composed by monosyllabic or polysyllabic sounds in which only consonants take part in one of the syllables (simple polysyllabic), of watery voice, and discontinuous or semicontinuous issue rhythm. NEGATIVE SCORES Scrapeds
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Fault consisting of giving out sounds with an excessive predominance of /r/ phoneme over the vowel, leading to an extremely unpleasant sound for our ear. Stridencies
I | G | R | B |
19 | 18 | 16 | 15 |
19 | 18 | 16 | 15 |
19 | 18 | 16 | 15 |
19 | 18 | 16 | 15 |
Very serius | Serius | Light | Absence |
3 | 2 | 1 | * |
3 | 2 | 1 | * |
3 | 2 | 1 | * |
3 | 2 | 1 | * |
3 | 2 | 1 | * |
- Administrative
Specimen without ring set.
Ring with no diameter set that can be removed from the leg of the bird without damaging it.
Show signs that can identify the breeder.
The bird has got more than one ring.
- Coming from the Song Code
2) Any character in the phenotype of the specimen that bearing the judge to the belief that it is product of the cross, education or selective diversion with other race or variety:
a) Observe ruffled feathers in the phenotype that highlight a possible cross with curled position canaries.
b) Observe red factor.
c) Presence, in the issue form or composition, of own characteristic of song canary other races.
3) Those other being accepted by general meeting of the technical committee. SEE
1º) Concerning to negative sore absence.
2º) Concerning to the less quantity of negative score.
3º) Concerning to the less amount of warnings in negative scores.
4º) Concerning to the quantity of voice, diction and musicality or complexity ratings.
5º) Concerning to slow ornaments score.
6º) Concerning to compound ornaments score.
7º) Concerning to variety score.
8º) If the tie persists, the judge decides.
Exceptional specimen : >= 93 points. |
Very good specimen: 91-92 points. |
Good specimen: 90 points. |
Meduim quality specimen: 89 points. |
Accetable specimen: 87 – 88 points. |
Mediocre specimen: 85 – 86 points. |
Low quality spacimen: < 85 points. |
- The canaries
- Stress (travel, stay in unusual environmental conditions, etc..).
- Change of diet in competition.
- Influence of environmental conditions where the canaries settle before trial.
- State health / voice problems.
- Training.
- Variability characteristic of living things (are not machines and not always yield the same).
- Interaction between the members of the batch (not sung that starts another, one gets to bathe and encourages others to the same behavior, etc.).
- Box song and Trial room
- Box song (box type and materials they are made).
- Acoustic prosecution room (influence on hearing echoes, reverberations, echoes and sound reflections).
- Light cabin (light type and location of the light sources).
- Temperature prosecution and interior cabin room.
- Noise outside the trial room.
- Noise caused by the public attending the trial.
- Hearing, sensitivity and musical education of the judge (hearing of people varies with age).
- Preparing technical and conceptual clarity of the judge.
- Unit of the Scientific concepts.
Fuente: Información cedida por la Comisión Técnica de Canto Español Discontinuo de FOCVA.